====== misc ====== miscellaneous stuff that doesn't fit anywhere else. * [[http://gumstix.com/store/catalog/index.php?cPath=27]] -- more boards to run linux, starting from 100USD ([[:links:friend's sites|Robert]] -- thx for nice link :)). * [[http://www.shop.kristech.eu/product_info.php?cPath=48&products_id=110|CS-E9302 Linux board]] -- interesting board with Linux to make own embedded devices on. it can be bought for less than 500PLN (~140EUR). * {{:misc:winnuke.c.bz2}} -- yes i know [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WinNuke|WinNuke]] is a very old exploit, but i think it is a classic of computer software and excellent show-off of [[http://www.microsoft.com|Micro$oft]]'s technical thought(("we're limited only by our imagination" -- i've always seen this a as big limitation for them...)). every one should have it! ;)